Umunthu FM Sober living How To Taper Off Alcohol Risks of Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey
Sober living

How To Taper Off Alcohol Risks of Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey

how to taper off alcohol

It’s difficult to predict who will and who won’t experience alcohol withdrawal — and how severe it will be. Go to the nearest emergency room or call 911 (or your local emergency service number) if you or a loved one has any concerning symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. There are two types of triggers that can set off a person’s urge to drink. External triggers are people, places, things, or times that offer opportunities to drink and remind a person of alcohol. Internal triggers are thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations that cause a person to drink.

  • You should include strategies to both reduce drinking and prevent relapse.
  • This approach is often recommended for individuals who have been consuming alcohol regularly and are at risk of experiencing withdrawal symptoms if they were to stop abruptly.
  • All your goals should follow SMART rules; they should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound.
  • Educate yourself on potential withdrawal symptoms and have a support system in place.
  • Tapering off alcohol is generally safer and more effective than quitting cold turkey.
  • There’s no miracle diet by any means, but the Mediterranean diet, for example, can help fill some of the nutritional gaps you may have due to alcohol use.

Examine alcohol health effects

This process is often referred to as detox and often causes withdrawal symptoms. Over the long term, many health benefits occur throughout how to taper off alcohol your body. Your risk of certain diseases decreases, you will begin sleeping better, and your overall health can significantly benefit.

Challenges of Cutting Down Your Alcohol Intake

She has extensive experience working alongside clinicians and providers to create physical and mental well-being content that’s useful, informative, and clinically effective. For this article, she conducted interviews with multiple doctors for their expertise and recommendations and read research on alcohol and its effect on the body. Your body’s systems bounce back over time, but after about 30 days, you’ll start seeing a difference. Ironically, some of the first things you might notice are similar to what happens to your body when you’re drinking. “Anxiety is the most common thing people notice upon stopping,” says Dr. Sharone Abramowitz, MD, a psychiatrist and president of the California Society of Addiction Medicine.

Check in with your body for signs of detox

  • This process is often referred to as detox and often causes withdrawal symptoms.
  • Programs such as inpatient or outpatient rehab, medical detox, individual or family therapy and support groups are available.
  • You may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms when you quit drinking alcohol.
  • If you have a severe level of addiction or dependency, you may need a detox program.
  • Quitting alcohol can be done safely, and it may be important for someone with a substance use problem.
  • Gradually reducing the amount of alcohol you drink can help give your body the time it needs to adjust to the lack of alcohol.

Examples of triggers could include stress, social gatherings with alcohol, certain friends, and bars. In many cases, medical professionals will be able to provide you with advice as to which treatment options will work best for you and may be able to refer you to a treatment program if needed. Weaning off alcohol is considerably safer and more effective than going cold turkey. If you are looking for how to taper off alcohol, you can follow these steps. Someone who drinks heavily for many weeks or months is likely to develop a dependence on alcohol.

You can taper off alcohol if you worry that you are developing alcohol addiction. Tapering off alcohol is not the most beneficial option for everyone. People who are severely dependent or addicted to alcohol should seek medical support for alcohol detox. If you feel comfortable doing so, discuss your challenges with your primary healthcare professional.

Insurance May Cover The Cost of Alcohol Rehab

But quitting on your own can pose risks to your health and is unlikely to be successful. Rehabilitation facilities can help you on your path to sobriety by addressing alcohol withdrawal symptoms and becoming involved in sober living support groups, like AA. With a doctor’s help, you can taper off alcohol slowly to avoid severe symptoms. You may cut back on drinking slowly over time, but if you have an alcohol use disorder, it can be very challenging to resist drinking too much for an effective taper. Instead, you may be treated with benzodiazepines, a class of medications that are chemically similar to alcohol.

Gradual Reduction Method

However, when alcohol makes up part of your typical routine, drinking can become something of an automatic response, especially when you feel stressed or overwhelmed. Knowing why you drink is essential, says Cyndi Turner, LCSW, LSATP, MAC, a Virginia therapist specializing in addiction treatment and alcohol moderation. To stop drinking alcohol, you first need to understand your relationship with drinking. From there, you may need social support, consistent self-care, and new routines that can help redirect your mind.

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